there is a profile named "gred" on gumroad selling 3d models of parts for japanese cars. THAT IS NOT ME and is completely unrelated to me.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
bmw e30(535i)
10.5.08:cz:Čau tak sem zase udělal nějaký auto, a to bmw e30 m3 s předkem z 535i m5,co je na něm nového:předek,kola,paint,interier (volant,sedadla,palubka z 535i m5,rám,otáčkoměr),výfuk,intercooler,bodykit.
eng:Hi im agin create car,bmw e30 m3,front is from m5 535i,whats new?front,wheel,paint,interior (steering wheel,seats,dashboard from m5 535i,Rollcage,speedometer),exhaust,intercooler,bodykit.