-on slower pc's it might lag,its pretty high poly,i think no trees version will be needed too...but i not going to do it lol
-mapeditor,better dont open it here,i dont say you cant,but because model is very high poly,it look kinda crazy in mapeditor lol
i have here sa:lc version too(in that one i did taked these pics),i dont relasing it,not because i dont want,but because im probaly only who using it lol,if someone will want it,i will relase it too
(some more info+download is under these pics)

not too many pics this time,if you want to see more look at THIS VIDEO.
thanks to:
SMAKZZ/TWISTERBEST-they did original for rfactor
TOM2-for edited files
KEISUKE-for some testing
i tested it only in stock unmodded gta,according to what keisuke sayd,it dont work with sakina,it should work on samp too.
so here you go:

if you want,you can edit it,like textures,do no trees version etc,if you want post it on your blog,just give me credit,thats all i want....ok so thats all this time,so cya;D.