there is a profile named "gred" on gumroad selling 3d models of parts for japanese cars. THAT IS NOT ME and is completely unrelated to me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

datsun bluebird v2

hi,so how i sayd yesterday,theres next update:D,this time its new version of datsun bluebird 910,wich i did few months ago.actualy i did new version because not so long time ago i meet on street THIS 910:D,so i taked alot of things and use them like textures:D,so what all was changed:
-new textures taked by me(headlights,grill,taillights,bumpers,wheels,door handles,indicators in front bumper)
-remodeled grill(first i wanted just change texture for mine,but later i decided i will use that texture like a blueprint and i model it,i didnt wanted put here just material so i use that photo i taked like texture:D)
-new wheels(modeled by me with my texture)
-new interior texture( i used stock interior texture from stock 910 for racer,i converted it from race one,but in first i didnt change it)
-new reflections(actualy i taked pic of sky,and then i used it like reflection xD but i like it:D)
-new plates
thats all for now,i dont have anything next ready for show here,so until i do something next cya;D.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

toyota ae86 levin stock

hi,so how i say yesterday,theres next update, this time its stock ae86 levin,i remaked that trd one to to stock :D. so what i did on it:
-edited body texture
-new fenders edges(they was missing under that n2 kit)
-remaked interior
-wheels from forza3 ae86
-added plates
-new exhaust
tomorow i will do next update:D thats all for now,so cya;D.

Monday, August 16, 2010

toyota ae86 levin TRD

hi,actualy,i did 2 next cars ,but i somehow didnt had time do update,so one next update will be tomorow,and another one day after tomorow today is here toyota ae86 levin TRD with N2 kit,i convert it from rfactor,i didnt did too much,just convert it,but still:
-openable doors
-sa lights
-gauges light in night
thats probaly all this time,so cya;D.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

suzuki carry tuned

hi,so here is my next car,this time agin some kei,but this time kei truck,suzuki carry :D. so what i did on it:
-engine(swapped sr20det,i had to do engine bay,it didnt had it)
-new exhaust
-suspension(totaly new)
-intercooler( on side, inspired by THIS)
-wheels(Work Equip by REIMU)
-interior(added speedometers,new seats,new swheel,pedals)
-lip on front
-rear part with lights from mazda potercab
-new plates
thats probaly all this time,so cya;D.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

toyota starlet kp61 tuned

hi,so finally i did update with my tuned kp61,wich i tuned +- month ago,i just somehow didnt had time do update what i did on it:
-new color(metalic)
-new wheels(hayashi street by MIMI,but with texture by ENDO)
-interior(seats by TOM2,speedometers,one by REIMU,new swheel by KAMIL)
new engine (4age by REIMU,my added turbo with my exhaust)

theres one pic on my nikko,thx to KEISUKE for that cleo mod what spawn cars on parking:D

and now for some time these was last pics from san andreas...why? sa is fuckin boring i start using sa:lc,i converted for it my nikko circuit and my hakone,if someone will be interested i mb relase it:D,theres 2 pics from it

also,i did new VIDEO :D...thats all for now,so cya;D.