what i edit on this model:
-made an entry
-new grass texture
except these details its still a model from shift,i didnt even delete a trees...
few warnings:
-colision isnt rly not much,i had to put here a grass part from S13s ebisu touge,because with original game didnt load lol,i also had to edit a parking,but circuit itself,the road is fine,i rly cant do anything better with it,on some places its rly kinda weird,but be glad it alteast working lawl
-mapeditor,better dont open it here,i dont say you cant,but because model is very high poly,it look kinda crazy in mapeditor lol
-on slower pc's it might lag,how i sayd its rly rly high poly,so thats why...i think no trees version will be needed too
you can find it near to ls beach,im sure you will find it;)
i have here sa:lc version too(in that one i did taked these pics),i dont relasing it,not because i dont want,but because im probaly only who using it lol,if someone will want it,i will relase it too
(some more info+download is under these pics)

i want thanks to these ppls:
KEISUKE-testing+he sended me rfactor files,i have here from him ebisu south too,i might convert it too:D
S13-part of colision is from his ebisu touge
mb i forget for someone lol...
ok so here you go: