there is a profile named "gred" on gumroad selling 3d models of parts for japanese cars. THAT IS NOT ME and is completely unrelated to me.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

merry chrismas :D

hi,and so merry chrismas :D,as chrismas present for you,i decided i relase pack of my old c210's,because i did new one from scratch,so i dont need these anymore,so you can have them :D

so what all is in the pack:



you say you didnt saw this car yet?thats right,i actualy never posted it on blog,i did it like half of year ago already,but like day after i finished it i did new c210 from scratch,better one,so i decided i do tuned version like that on new one (this is it),so i didnt even showed fast,what i did on it:

-headlights,grill,bumpers reworked to c211 version
-taillights reworked to c210 GL version
-remodeled rear fenders,to fit the wheels
-added lip,spoiler,and some other bullshit lol...

so,thats probally all,so enjoy them :D

so thats all about todays post,so enjoy the chrismas,more than me,i have to go to work cya;D.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

new video

not much to say,just new video...enjoy;D.

Friday, December 2, 2011

late night....update,new rim

hi,so why late night? i writting this post at 6:26am...well you could call it a morning,but since im awake since +- 16:00,for me its still night xDxD...well lets get to wheel,its my new scratch made wheel,a TRD one,actualy i dont know if it have some type name...if you want to see,HERE is one real pic of it...i think this one is my best rim so far,i even did my own texture,for wich i used zmodeler1 and photofiltre,if someone willbe interested i will do a tutorial how to :D.i already used it on some car,one of my best cars i think,but about that thats all for now,and i go get some sleep cya;D.