there is a profile named "gred" on gumroad selling 3d models of parts for japanese cars. THAT IS NOT ME and is completely unrelated to me.

Friday, February 22, 2013

skyline japan

hi,so there is my next car,this time its a skyline c210,wich is also known as japan :D.that model is actually a convert from IV,and it been in work since 2006 by its autor,HERC.he did an awesome job,its the most perfect c210 you can find,all txtures are rendered etc...simply its the best model of c210 around im glad HERC send me it and allowed me to convert it for sa,for wich i thanks to him :).and now about the convert,basically i just converted it to sa,but there were some things i did on it...

-converted to SA
-welded(there was alot of unwelded places,so i just weld it all etc :D)
-fixed uv map(by welding it,i screw up texturing allitlebit,for example front right bumper was mapped in left bumper,etc etc,so i fixed it...welding and this fixing took me the longest time on this project)
-interior was reworked back to rhd
-edited wheels(when HERC send me them,he sayd the render texture is not done yet,so i did my own,doing them for wheels is actually only i can do for now lol,also i used different tire than it had,one i using on all stock wheels)
-new plates(japanese ones,wich i using all the time,but this time i did that the rear one is lighted in the night,via vehiclelights)
-adapted to ivlm

and thats probably all about this one...i was told i can tune it etc how i want,so i will do some boso/shakotan soon :D...and thats all for today,so cya next time ;D.