Thursday, October 26, 2023


hi, so here goes another my build in carx, as mentioned in the last post, this time its an NA miata. i cant even remember when was the last time i done any miata regardless of game, but im pretty sure its over 10 years now lmao. i figured im gonna change this, as i actually had an idea for an NA for quite a while now. i was even considering doing it in gta, but as mentioned in the carina post, im really kind of over doing anything of this nature for i just went and done it in carx, lol.

so, the idea for the NA was simple. factory red (based on brochure), sitting on white buddyclub p1's, chargespeed front spoiler, oem trunk spoiler, and that was pretty much it.  but during the process of building this thing i also decided to add oem rear lip and oem sideskirts too. obviously none of these parts exist in carx, so i just had to go and make all of it myself lol. well besides the p1's, i found those on steam workshop atleast lmao. the devs of carx decided to make an euro version of NA for whatever reason, so i also made a rear garnish for small licence plate, as japanese plate hanging from euro cutout was a weird look.

well, you can see the result on the pics below. i gotta say it came out even better than what i envisioned, it also handles and drifts great, so im really happy with how this ended up :D.

and just like the last time, im also relasing all of the parts i have made for NA, of wich majority was used on this build. enjoy :D.


NA rear garnish for small plate

made from scratch by me. its not the most accurate thing ever as i had to work around the euro garnish thats on there, but its better than jap/us plate hanging in euro one, lol

just load it in and its there, no moving or scalling necessary



NA chargespeed front spoiler

made from scratch by me

just load it in and its there, no moving or scalling necessary




NA oem aero pack

contains front and rear lips, sideskirts and trunk spoiler

both the lips and trunk spoiler were originally made by 41aeimi for gta sa, but all of it was heavily reworked by me, sideskirts are made by me from scratch

just load it in and its there, no moving or scalling necessary




NA paintable rollcage

its the original rollcage from the game, but i made it paintable (fuck chrome rollcages lol)

just load it in and its there, no moving or scalling necessary




so yeah, thats all for this time. i dont actually have any new build going on right now, but that will change sooner or later haha. so see you next time ;).