Thursday, January 4, 2024

recaro sr3 pack v2 update

hi, just a quick update of my recaros. since knpp parts other than wheels are broken as fuck and throw sync completely off, i decided to convert my second version of recaros into objects (like the v1 was).

not only there arent sync issues with this, but they will also now work in cars such as s15, where the driver head was poking trough the roof lol

i will keep the knpp version up aswell, but its strongly reccomended to not use it outside of single player. that applyes to every knpp part except rims.



honestly i dont think i will be doing any more knpp parts other than wheels myself. in general its kinda annoying to set it all up, it haz a bunch of issues, etc.

so theres that. see you next time ;).