there is a profile named "gred" on gumroad selling 3d models of parts for japanese cars. THAT IS NOT ME and is completely unrelated to me.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
RANDOM SNAP:lc futo 1986
hi,before i get to today's random snap,theres something about a car wich i wanted post yesterday.well i decided i will post them in weekend,since i have longer weekend this time because we have holydays in friday,it might be here at thursday,or friday ;).now to todays random snap,i wanted try do a picture wich was taked in 80s,so it have not so good quality,small res etc,there is one example.how much good i done it i leave up to you;).there is that pic before i edit it in photofiltre.thats all for now,so cya;D.
